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The High Cost of Eggs

“You gotta break some eggs to make an omelet.” I’m not opining about the high cost of eggs, although omelet lovers across the country are in mourning right now. I’m talking about the idea that sometimes, you have to break things to make something better. Meet some “eggs” that are currently being scrambled and broken in order to “make a better omelet”: -Farmers who signed contracts with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to improve infrastructure, who paid up front to put in fences, plant different crops, and install renewable energy systems with the promise that the government would provide them

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Life and Breath

It was a cloudy Sunday morning in early February. My family had gathered earlier that weekend for a difficult goodbye, and now most had disappeared to their various activities, taking their sadness along with them. In the living room, only three of us remained: My five-year-old grandchild Zoe, me, and my beloved dog Piper, who was sitting at my feet as close to me as possible, as usual. Thankfully, she was breathing easy, the hacking cough of the past few days momentarily silenced. I recognized a teachable moment. “Zoe,” I said, “did your mom and dad tell you about Piper?”

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Listening to Learn. And Learning to Listen.

A gleeful, far-right conservative and a glum, bleeding-heart liberal walk into a coffee shop… Sounds like a set-up for a joke, right? But it was no joke when I made a bet with someone I hadn’t seen in years over who’d win the most recent presidential election. If his candidate won (a candidate I couldn’t stand, whose campaign promises made me angry and afraid), I’d pony up and buy him breakfast at the café of his choice. But if my smart and oh-so-capable candidate prevailed, he’d be the one paying for my bacon and eggs. Confident in the obvious superiority

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What Child is This?

It’s as if I’m cradling a lumpy sack of potatoes, heavy as a watermelon. My arm, with its withering bicep, starts to ache where her head is nestled into the crook of my elbow. My tight neck muscles sound a familiar, years-long alarm. After a few minutes, my shoulder joins in the painful protest. And yet. Her dark eyes, staring into mine, begin to flutter like the wings of a butterfly. She reaches for me and I gently close my fingers around her tiny hand. She squeezes tightly before resting her warm palm in mine. Her breathing slows, her little

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Finding Our Way

We’d decided to spend election night in Verona at our daughter’s and son-in-law’s house. The next day was our granddaughter’s 4th birthday, and we reasoned that we’d have two reasons to rejoice. We were wrong. The next day, the only thing we could celebrate was Charlie. But even Charlie, dressed in her princess gown, her wide grin and masses of curly brown hair constantly falling into her sparkling eyes, failed to cheer me up. Fried potatoes for breakfast only added to my overwhelming nausea. Sharing my grief with others who were grieving just like me offered only temporary respite. Finally,

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Fear, Anger and Change, Part II

I thought long and hard about posting my last essay. In fact, I’d written it and then let it sit, like a chicken marinating in the fridge. And based upon some of the comments I’ve received, my hesitation about the post was based on a solid foundation. I hesitated to post it because I feared it might sound as if I was plopping an entire marinated chicken on a plate already overflowing with food. The metaphorical plate belonging to a woman, of course. To all women. Because I don’t know one woman whose plate isn’t more than full. And many

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