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Notes from Coping with Calamity Class

See people. Comfort them. Be there for them. (But don’t attempt any rescues) Resist the urge to fix, to judge, to preach, to take a swing. (On paper or in person) Challenge, coach. Ask why. (Without having the answers) Be kind. Be patient. Be curious. Be yourself. (Flaws included) Don’t hold back; invite everyone in. (Even if the house is a mess) Practice mercy. Have faith. (In them and in you) Laugh. (Whenever possible) Rant. (Breathe in) Listen. (Breathe out) Write. (Love) Photo by Jay Filter at

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Buy Again

Amazon Prime Your Orders: 12 orders placed in the past 31 months: Delivered June 5, 2019 -All-in-One Ovulation Predictor & Pregnancy Test Kit Value Pack (1): Simple testing kits predict ovulation and pregnancy with 90% accuracy. Made in the U.S.     Delivered July 22, 2019 All packages left in or near the front door or porch. -The New Parent’s Guide to a Natural Pregnancy and Birth, by Gwen Atkinson, Random House, 2015 -Letters to My Baby Pregnancy Journal: This handbound keepsake baby book is beautifully designed, providing journal pages embossed with inspirational quotes to record every moment of baby’s first

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Sometimes, It’s Like This

Well, hello again. It’s been far too long since I last posted and I’m sorry about that. But here’s the thing: I needed a break. I (naively? hopefully?) thought that once He Who Shall Not be Named was out of office and a grown-up was back in charge, things would get better. Less chaotic. Less stressful. More civil. I knew that things wouldn’t go back to “normal.” In fact, I hoped it wouldn’t. I hoped that our leaders would see the cracks in the foundation of our society that, thanks in part to an international health pandemic, had opened up

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Lessons From a Game

Thousands of us waited anxiously, hoping and praying that “Bucks in 6” would go from slogan to reality. Millions more watched as 65,000 people jammed into downtown Milwaukee to root for their home team. And I think I can say with confidence of those who celebrated in and around the Deer District: -No one cared who was a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent, a Socialist or a Communist -No one cared what color anyone was -No one cared who was a Catholic or a Protestant, a Lutheran or an evangelical, a Jew or an atheist, or any denomination in between

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Once-In-A-Generation Is Now

It’s 1933 and Wisconsin is emerging from The Great Depression. Thanks to FDR’s New Deal program, federal dollars are beginning to flow into communities around the country, including Milwaukee, where visionary leaders years before had hired Frederick Law Olmsted, most famous for designing New York’s Central Park, to create a network of parks for the growing city. Olmstead believed that landscape architecture could serve various social purposes, including providing relief from crowded cities and encouraging people of varied backgrounds and social status to engage in community. Olmstead once described his park work as a “democratic development of the highest significance.”

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Birth Day

Three years ago today, I pushed open a heavy door with clammy, shaking hands. The dimly lit room was warm, the scent of antiseptic and exhaustion hanging in the humid air like a damp curtain. Drawn white shades over a large window hindered the bright light of a beautiful day. Five people followed behind me, their previously excited voices temporarily silenced. A single overhead light cast a soft glow over a bed surrounded by machines quietly beeping, their bright yellow lights blinking on and off like buoys encircling an island. My daughter rested on the bed-island propped up by doughy

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Missed Opportunities

A tree falls on your house. Instead of using the insurance money to fix it, would you instead use that money to pay your regular operational expenses, like food, gas, rent/mortgage? Wisconsin Republican legislators think that would be the wise way to go. And heaven forbid you use the money to repair your house so that it’s even better than it was before. They’d think that’s whack. In their proposed education budget, WI GOP legislators say we should use federal Build Back Better money to fund WI schools. Never mind that this federal funding is meant to cover additional expenses

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Investing in Wisconsin’s Future

Should Wisconsin include funding for the testing of our surface, ground and drinking water in our state budget, in order to be able to hold accountable businesses that release toxic “forever chemicals” into our environment? Should Wisconsin be the only state in the country that has refused to expand health insurance to more adults and kids living in poverty, resulting in a loss of $1.6 billion in federal funding to cover the expansion? Do you think big box stores like Walgreens should be able to lower their tax assessments by comparing their stores to shuttered retailers with lower values? Should

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Birthday Dance

In my family, birthdays are celebrated with a lovely meal, ice cream instead of cake, a few well-chosen gifts and wine. This year was a big one for me—my 60th. So when I was asked how I wanted to celebrate, I thought about this past year with COVID, of missing family and friends, of living through a time of huge social, political and psychological unrest. And then, I recalled one of the happiest times of my life: I’d just turned 18. Fresh out of high school, I was headed to college where I’d plant the seeds for my future. In

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Time to Push

I have never been a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. Instead, every year during my springtime birthday is when I’ve tended to create new goals for myself. Maybe it’s because spring time replaces the dead of winter with the possibility of new life, or because Earth Day forces me to think beyond my own little postage stamp of existence. Whatever the reason, I’ve been thinking a lot about this moment we’re in and what comes next. It’s so easy to feel disheartened right now. The extreme political polarization of this time has seeped into many of our family interactions

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