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October 30, 2020


Leadership 101

I’m likely not the instructor you hoped for when you enrolled in the Game of Thrones Leadership Training Program. I’ll be the first to admit I’m no Jon Snow. But what I lack in stature and good looks, I make up for in wisdom. Besides, with only one other client, I’m currently available. I agree–your world needs help. And maybe you are just the leader it’s looking for. After all, it’s more than a little scary out there. I don’t mean “scary” as in “dragons-flying-around-torching-people” scary, like in my world. Here, a fire-breathing dragon qualifies as a real danger and

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The Myth of Rugged Individualism

We Americans are known for our “rugged individualism,” a term coined in a 1928 campaign speech by Herbert Hoover, who fancied himself a “self-made” millionaire. What’s interesting is that during the early days of the Great Depression, Hoover launched the largest public works projects up until his time. So I guess getting help from the government is sometimes okay—like during the middle of a pandemic, maybe? Speaking of pandemics, how has this idea of rugged individualism, of “going it alone” served us here in America, where absent a national strategy or coordinated federal effort, each state (and often, cities/counties within

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How Many Boomers Does it Take?

Virtual Seder meals. Drive-through church services. Zoom happy hours. FaceTime reunions. Many of us are valuing time with family and friends now more than ever. And we’ve gotten pretty inventive at finding new and safe ways to connect. I thought I’d share one of my recent “virtual connecting” experiences: There were nine of us, average age 62, old friends who have been meeting for dinner every month for the past three decades, attempting to reconnect after days and days of staying in to stay safe. Earlier in the week, Tom volunteered to use Microsoft Office to bring all of us

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